Home > Our Villages > Our Churches > St Mary the Virgin, Wortham

St Mary the Virgin, Wortham


St Mary the Virgin Wortham
St Mary the Virgin

St Mary the Virgin can be located by turning off of the A143 into Church Road, by the Wortham village sign (a copy of the round tower) and following the road until you reach a T junction.  

The church is opposite the T Junction.   Please use the car park to the rear of the church, thank you.  



Sunday 14th April

11.00am   Morning Worship


Sunday  12th May

11.00am  Holy Communion 


For a full list of services across the Benefice and to view issues of 'Parish News', please see the Benefice website at https://www.northhartismerebenefice.org.uk


Please see  http://friendsofworthamchurch.weebly.com/index.html  for the Friends of Wortham Church


and for the Wortham Church Roof Appeal    worthamchurchappeal.org



Rector in Interregnum  
SSM PTO Revd Ginny Manning   01379 644229
Churchwarden Mrs Cathy Hume 01379 650321


Mrs Lyn Pelham Burn, Benefice Administrator  Tel: 01379 788479


email:  lyn.northhartismere@gmail.com